Ref: CV Camp posting orders No.EX. II (2)/17912/HSE/2013 Dated.30/03/2013
Vide reference cited, Posting orders were issued to the higher
secondary school teachers to attend C V camps. But it is come to the notice that Commerce teachers were excluded from the orders issued. A corrected version of the posting orders shall be issued through the dhse portal on 01.04.2013. In this circumstance, all the higher secondary Commerce teachers are requested to report at the respective CV camps on 01.04.2013 itself. Those who had opted for CV camps outside their home district shall report at the opted camps. The list of teachers posted to the camps, including Commerce, has been made available to the CV camps.
Vide reference cited, Posting orders were issued to the higher
secondary school teachers to attend C V camps. But it is come to the notice that Commerce teachers were excluded from the orders issued. A corrected version of the posting orders shall be issued through the dhse portal on 01.04.2013. In this circumstance, all the higher secondary Commerce teachers are requested to report at the respective CV camps on 01.04.2013 itself. Those who had opted for CV camps outside their home district shall report at the opted camps. The list of teachers posted to the camps, including Commerce, has been made available to the CV camps.